      4 products
      40th Anniversary Gift- Sound Wave Canvas
      from $69.00
      40th Anniversary Gift- Sheet Music Canvas
      from $79.00
      Rose Flower Teddy Bear
      Red Garnet Pendant Necklace - 4mm Gemstone

      40th Anniversary Gift:

      The Complete Guide To Your 40th Anniversary!

      It’s your 40th wedding anniversary — wow!!! You know your partner well, like the back of your hand. You’ve spent years trying to understand his or her behavior, only to realize acceptance is the best policy. You’ve raised kids together, moved states together, led a life together. You know, deep down, your spouse is the only one for you and you aren’t quite sure how to really even express that. Don’t worry — that’s where the 40th anniversary gift ideas come in.

      So, what is the gift for 40th wedding anniversary?

      The 40th wedding anniversary is known as the Ruby Anniversary because both the traditional 40th wedding anniversary gift and the modern 40th wedding anniversary gift is the ruby! Whether you’re looking to go simple this anniversary or you want to go all out, there are a lot of 40th anniversary gift ideas within the ruby theme! What matters most this year is to express to your partner how happy these last 40 years together have made you. Keep reading for all the best 40th anniversary gift ideas!!

      In this Complete Guide to your 40th Wedding Anniversary, you will discover:

      • Modern vs traditional anniversary symbols
      • 40th anniversary color
      • 40th anniversary gemstone
      • 40th wedding anniversary flowers
      • 40th wedding anniversary gift ideas
      • 40th anniversary celebration ideas

      Modern & Traditional 40th Anniversary Gift

      40th anniversary gift

      Traditional & Modern: Ruby

      The wonderful thing about the 40th wedding anniversary is that both the traditional and modern gift is the same: the ruby! The bright red hue of the ruby gemstone serves to symbolize your love that has grown in brilliance over the last 40 years. While the majority of the anniversary symbols have evolved from their traditional designation into a modern iteration, the 40th anniversary gift remains the same, and for good reason! The ruby gemstone is a symbol for pure love and loyalty. Like your marriage of 40 years, the ruby gemstone hasn’t lost its shine. Each day with your partner is a new adventure and you know you’ve been blessed to spend 40 years with them. If you’re searching for a 40th anniversary gift, there is nothing quite like a ruby gemstone to symbolize your pure love for your spouse.

      If you want to modernize the 40th anniversary gift idea, consider incorporating the color of a ruby, or just the color red in general! No need to buy ruby gemstone jewelry — opt for something that your partner really wants, whether it is within the ruby theme or not, and then wrap it in ruby red paper or a ruby red bow!


      Ruby anniversary theme: accomplished.


      40th Anniversary Color

      40th anniversary color


      The 40th wedding anniversary color, red, is associated with energy, desire and love. Red is an emotionally intense color that indicates strength, resilience and love. As the 40th anniversary color, red is associated with the color of the 40th anniversary traditional gift, the ruby gemstone. If you’re not sure what to get as a 40th anniversary gift, consider getting your wife or husband something red (or maybe wrapping the gift in red wrapping paper) to symbolize your resilient love throughout all these years.


      40th Anniversary Gemstone

      40th anniversary gemstone


      The ruby gemstone is known as the stone of “Divine Creativity.” Considered the most magnificent of all gemstones, the ruby has been revered throughout history and across cultures and has been used as a source of protection and prosperity. Symbolic of the sun, the ruby gemstone has an inextinguishable flame within the stone.

      There are many legends surrounding the ruby that contribute to its reputation as a powerful and impactful gemstone. For instance, legends claim that a ruby can shine through thick clothing, cause water to boil and wax to melt, ward off danger, and banish foolish thoughts.  

      Thus, if you’re at a loss for what to get as a 40th anniversary gift, you can’t go wrong with the 40th anniversary gemstone! When you give the gift of the ruby gemstone as your 40th wedding anniversary gift, you’re reminding your spouse of how they protect you from danger and how your love shines brighter than the sun.


      40th Anniversary Flower

      40th anniversary flower


      You might be wondering, what is the flower for 40th anniversary? The 40th anniversary flower is the nasturtium flower. The nasturtium flower is extremely bright and a type of flower that people love to have in their yards as part of their gardens! The nasturtium flower is edible, looks great in flower arrangements and is believed to express a victory. Like the nasturtium flower, you and your spouse have won because you have each other. Additionally, the nasturtium plant is pretty resilient and can grow in either direct sunlight or indirect sunlight. Like the nasturtium flower, your marriage is pretty darn resilient and has grown despite the circumstances. If your wife loves to garden, some nasturtium seeds would make for a great 40th wedding anniversary gift!!

      If nasturtium flowers just aren’t for you and your spouse, a great alternative 40th anniversary flower for this year’s theme are red roses! Why is this? Because the red color of red roses would match the 40th anniversary color, as well as the 40th anniversary traditional gift of rubies!


      40th Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas

      40th wedding anniversary gift ideas

      So, you know the theme for the 40th wedding anniversary is ruby, but what should you get your wife or husband? It can be hard to know what to buy your spouse, especially after 40 years of getting them gifts! You might feel like you’ve already bought them everything under the sun! Thankfully, 40th wedding anniversary gift ideas are relatively easy to come by since there are so many ways you can incorporate ruby into a gift! For instance, if you’re at a complete loss for what to get as 40th wedding anniversary gifts or how to keep in line with the 40th wedding anniversary theme, consider incorporating the ruby red color as a ribbon to wrap around your gift! Whether you’re looking for 40th anniversary gifts for parents or 40th anniversary gift ideas for your spouse, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered!

      Check out these 40th wedding anniversary gift ideas for her and for him:

      Traditional 40th Anniversary Gift Ideas (For Her)

      Modern 40th Anniversary Gift Ideas (For Him)

      Ruby ring

      Ruby cufflinks

      Ruby lipstick

      Ruby robe

      Ruby robe

      Ruby loafers

      Ruby necklace

      Ruby/burgundy tie

      Ruby bracelet

      Red wine

      Ruby slippers

      Ruby handmade mugs

      Ruby perfume

      Ruby highball tumblers

      Ruby serving platter

      Ruby anniversary party balloons

      Ruby towels

      Funny wine glasses

      Bouquet of nasturtium flowers

      40th anniversary cutting board

      Ruby candle holders

      Custom couple portrait sketch



      40th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Ideas

      40th wedding anniversary celebration ideas

      You’ve been together for 40 years and, at this point, you don’t need any more towels, candles, mugs, serving platters or jewelry. While those things are great, you have something else in mind this year. What you really want this year is a celebration, an event, to travel, to get outside of your daily routine, an adventure! The 40th anniversary traditional gift is great, but think outside the box this anniversary! If you’re looking for a great 40th anniversary gift for husband, take him on a Ruby cruise! Need to come up with 40th anniversary gifts for friends? Plan a ruby-themed party for them! There’s a lot of great ways you can celebrate this anniversary. So, whether you’re looking for 40th wedding anniversary gifts for parents or 40th wedding anniversary gift ideas for couples, you can be sure that a celebration with a ruby theme is the way to go this year.

      Check out these 40th wedding anniversary celebration ideas!

      • Renew your wedding vows
      • Toast one another with red wine.
      • Plan a picnic with ruby red paper plates and napkins.
      • Throw a ruby red-themed 40th wedding anniversary celebration party!
      • Throw a Wizard of Oz-themed 40th wedding anniversary celebration party where everyone has to wear ruby red slippers!
      • Cuddle up on the couch for a night watching the Wizard of Oz with your spouse.
      • Go out to a nearby restaurant that has “ruby” or “red” in its title.
      • Plan a trip to Ruby, Arizona; Ruby, South Carolina; Ruby Valley, Nevada; Ruby River, Utah; Ruby River, Washington State; Ruby Falls, Tennessee; Ruby Golf Course, Bahamas; a Ruby Mine in Cherokee, North Carolina.
      • Write your spouse a poem in ruby red ink and display it in a ruby red frame.
      • Go on a Ruby Princess Cruise!

      Happy 40th Anniversary!

      happy 40th anniversary